Children and young adults supported by Scottish social care charity, Cornerstone, in the West of Scotland will now have access to even more activities, days out and trips thanks to the donation of a mini-bus by Children’s Aid.
Cornerstone initially applied to Children’s Aid for part-funding for a new bus after parents had identified transport as one of the main barriers to their children accessing the services.
However, Children’s Aid decided to cover the entire cost and this month the Cornerstone office in Rhu took delivery of the bus, which will provide transport for all of Cornerstone’s children’s services in the West.
One of the services to benefit from the new bus is Jigsaw Cornerstone, based in Rhu. Jigsaw provides a support service for children and young people with disabilities and other support needs, giving them the chance to meet with people their own age, make friends and enable them to be as independent as possible.
At Jigsaw, the staff work with the children and young people to create a safe and happy environment where they can reach their goals through engaging and fun activities.
Susan Lorimer, Cornerstone’s Children Services Manager, said: “This is an incredibly generous donation by Children’s Aid and will allow us to support more children in harder to reach areas and co-ordinate our activities around the needs of the children and families we support.
“This will make a huge difference to their lives, as they will be able to take part in weekly activities, see their friends, enjoy days out and be a valued part of their community.”
David Jaffe, Joint Chairman at Children’s Aid, visited the Cornerstone Rhu office last weekend to meet some of the Children supported by Jigsaw Cornerstone who are already benefiting from the mini-bus. He commented,