Children's Aid evolved about 35 years ago when a group of friends got together to raise some money for their local youth club. Their immediate success then became the driving force to raise funds for deserving Scottish Children's Charities.
To date we have raised over £3.5m. The committee is made up of Glasgow based businessmen and professionals who all give their time and services for free.
Children’s Aid donates money to registered children’s charities and deserving causes. The conditions for obtaining a donation can be found in the application section of our website. We do not fund wages, running or training costs and prefer applications for specific items.
Before the end of each financial year, the committee meet and review all applications to ensure they fulfil our criteria. Decisions are made based on funds available as to where we think our donations should best be distributed.
Members of the committee will visit the chosen charities and successful applicants in advance of a donation to present them with a cheque or to view the planned or completed project.
Every penny raised by Children’s Aid is distributed and all members of the committee give all their time and services totally free. If you are involved in, represent, or are a member of a charity and wish to apply for funding or discuss a joint venture for fund raising with Children's Aid , please contact us through our application page.